Start a Business

Pre-Start - The Business Idea Stage

Starting a business is a challenging and rewarding experience. The Local Enterprise Office is the first place to go when deciding what steps you need to take to get started

Business Advice Clinics

Business Advice Clinic

Business Advice Clinics are the first stop for an entrepreneur when contacting the LEO - this is a general clinic, where you can ask all the questions you have about what to do first

Book a Clinic Appointment

Start Your Own Business

Start Your Own Business

A Start Your Own Business Course is a multi-day course to cover every step of entrepreneurship to help you develop your Business Plan 

Book a SYOB 

The Business Plan

The Business Plan

A Business Plan is the 'manual' you will use to keep you on track to build a successful business, and is an essential document for any funding applications you may make

The Business Plan

The Feasibility Grant

Feasibility Study Grant

A Feasibility Study Grant is for researching market demand for a product or service and examining its sustainability. The eligibilty criteria can be found at the link

The Feasibility Study Grant


E-Centres Cork

The eCentres provide dedicated working facilities such as hot-desking, offices, training centres, and other services to support businesses and communities 

E-Centres Profile

Which Support is for Me?

Which Support is For Me

This handy  online guide is part of the Irish Government's Supporting SMEs campaign, to increase awareness of the range of supports for start-ups and entrepreneurs

Which Support is for Me?

Exxcel Programme


Exxcel is a part-time programme aimed at busy female entrepreneurs who have a business idea with high growth and export potential, within the STEM sector

Exxcel Programme

New Frontiers

New Frontiers

New Frontiers is a national entrepreneur development programme, designed to help people, who have an innovative business idea, to establish and run their own companies

New Frontiers Programme

Green for Business

Green for Business

The Green for Business programme is to help prepare small businesses for the low carbon, more resource efficient economy of the future. 

Green for Business