1/2024 Introduction to Google Ads

Online using Zoom Video Conferencing
Monday 7th October 2024
6pm - 9pm
I.T. Training

Google Ads is a powerful way to reach customers who are in the interest stage of the customer journey. In this workshop, students will be introduced to Google Ads and get to understand how to setup, optimise and report on campaigns to ensure they are profitable for the business.


Who Is This For? 

  • B2C (Business-to-Consumer) Industries: brands selling products directly to consumers can benefit from targeting ads to interested buyers. This workshop will help them understand how to target their audience effectively. 
  • B2B (Business-to-Business) Industries: 
  • These businesses can leverage Google Ads to target other companies in need of their products or services, especially when launching new products or entering new markets. 
  • Reach potential clients who are researching products and services. 

Module Outline 

  • Explaining Google Ads and Search marketing – Keyword Research 
  • Customers and intent – the sales funnel (TOFU, MOFU & BOFU) 
  • Google tools – ads, merchant centre, display and search campaigns 
  • Campaign Setup 
  • Structure 
  • Keywords Groups 
  • Creatives (copy, landing pages, CTAs and extensions) 
  • Budgeting & bidding 
  • Measuring & reporting 

Learning Outcomes 

  1. Students will understand how to setup and use Google Ads campaign for their business 
  2. Students will think methodologically about the types of campaign they will create 
  3. Students will understand how to optimise their ads based on key metrics 
  4. Students will understand how to proactively use reporting to ensure strong campaign performance 

Resources For Attendees 

  • Briefing documents: 
  • Creating an ad account 
  • Setting up a Search campaign 
  • Google ads campaign checklist 
  • Google ads keyword research template 
  • Jargon buster 

This course is run by Titan Digital.