1/2024 Website Development Workshop

Online using Zoom Video Conferencing
Wednesday 2nd October 2024
9.30am - 2.30pm
I.T. Training

This workshop is designed to give students a practical understanding of how to approach a website rebuild. Students will learn how to approach website planning, get an understanding on how to conduct a digital audit of their site, understand how to approach design and development and ultimately create a structured plan of action. With practical advice and resource sign posting that will help businesses to save time and money this is not one to be missed.


Who’s This For: 

  • Business owners who feel their current website needs a refresh 
  • SMEs that have a simple brochure website but would like to “up their game” 
  • Business owners and management who’d like to tackle a website project with a purpose and strategy 
  • A cross section of product and serviced based business in different verticals and industries  

Module Outline 

  • How to audit your current website 
  • Personas & audience 
  • Analytics 
  • Surveys & reviews 
  • Understanding the audience – what do buyers want? 
  • Approaching the redesign 
  • Inspiration 
  • Rebuilding for mobile-first 
  • Website planning 
  1. Priorities 
  2. Assets 
  3. Branding 
  4. Content 
  5. UI 
  6. UX 
  7. Information architecture 
  • Plan of action 

Learning Outcomes 

  1. Students take a strategic and customer focused approach to website redesign 
  2. Students understand the jargon of web design and how to approach it 
  3. Students make decisions based on customer data and feedback 
  4. Students can take a leadership position and ensure strong website planning  

Resources For Attendees: 

  • Digital strategy template 
  • Website audit checklist 
  • Website planning template 
  • Web design cheat sheets 
  • WordPress resource list 

This course is run by Titan Digital.