Thermal and acoustic cellulosic insulation system offered to building contractors via subcontracting agreement.
A Czech SME producing thermal and acoustic ecological insulation and blowing application devices is looking for construction and insulation companies in Ireland to which it would provide insulation material, blowing device and training of the staff to collaborate under subcontracting agreement.
A purely Czech owned SME active on the market since 1991 produces thermal and acoustic ecological insulation, ball polystyrene for concrete mixtures and blowing devices for its application. Thermal and acoustic cellulose insulation is a material that does not contain any hazardous substances and is environmentally friendly. It is made of completely pure sorted recycled paper and 100% environmentally friendly additives for the protection against pests, fire, moulds, and
applied by blowing. The company is continually improving the manufacturing processes, so the insulation contains minimum of chemicals while maintaining all technical parameters. Due to the way of application and the fact that the insulation is made from cellulosic fibre with non-volatile thermal conductivity and also due to specific heat capacity, it has almost 40% better thermal insulation than mineral fibre based insulations. The insulation is applicable to all types of buildings where it accurately fills the whole insulated space without the risk of thermal bridges. The packing line of its own construction enables the insulation to be pressed to a large bulk density so the transport cost to the client is lowered. For thermal and acoustic ecological insulation (including blowing devices), the envisaged
collaboration would be ideally based on subcontracting agreement.
Advantages and Innovations
-application way preventing thermal bridges and settling
-does not contain any hazardous substances
-protection against fire, pests, moulds
-can be applied without the danger of skin irritation unlike the fibreglass insulation application
-a cost-effective, energy-efficient alternative to fibreglass and other kinds of insulations
-the insulation is pressed to a large bulk density which lowers transportation costs
- if asked, the Czech company provides the whole system including training of personnel
Stage of Development
Already on the market
IPR Status
Secret Know-how
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