Your Local Enterprise Office (LEO) is searching for Ireland’s best young entrepreneurs of 2019!
If you are aged between 18 and 35 and either have a business idea or have already started a business, enter #IBYE today for your chance to win a share of the €50,000 county investment fund. In addition to the investment fund, there are also hundreds of places to be won at Business Bootcamps around the country.
APPLY NOW Entering is simple and free at before Friday 15th March 2019. Local Enterprise Offices in local authorities ( are the first stop shop for anyone seeking information and support around starting or growing a business in Ireland.
Local Winner: €7,000 investment
Local Runner-Up: €3,000 investment
BEST START-UP BUSINESS (Trading Up to 18 Months)
Local Winner: €15,000 investment
Local Runner-Up: €5,000 investment
BEST ESTABLISHED BUSINESS (Trading over 18 Months)
Local Winner: €15,000 investment
Local Runner-Up: €5,000 investment