Find a full range of useful links to aid with your business marketing, management and operations.
The General Business Development category contains a directory of links to relevant sites which can help with any area of business development such as new business start up, growing a business, buying a business or assisting an ailing business.
The Finance category contains a directory of links to relevant sites which provide information and support in a range of financial matters such as accounts, analysing financial performance, financial management, insurance, sources of finance, taxation and auditing.
The Management Skills category contains a directory of links to relevant sites which provide information and support in a range of management matters such as communication skills, human resource management, industrial relations, planning, time and stress management.
The Legal Matters category contains a directory of links to relevant sites which provide information and support in a range of legal business matters such as company law, employment legislation, health & safety legislation, intellectual property, tax legislation and legal structures for business.
The Marketing & Sales category contains a directory of links to relevant sites which provide information and support in a range of marketing matters such as customer service, distribution, export marketing, market research, marketing management and strategies, pricing, promotion and sales.
South Dublin LEO provides a range of operations management resources and links to relevant sites which provide information and support on a range of matters such as location, materials handling & storage, production layout, purchasing, quality, stock control, environmental issues,I.T and technology.