Global Business Opportunities open up for Irish SMEs through the Enterprise Europe Network
The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) is the world's largest support network for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and helps Irish companies to make the most of business and technology opportunities in the EU and other major global markets. It is a key instrument in the EU's strategy to boost growth and jobs. Bringing together around 600 business support organisations from more than 60 countries, it helps small companies seize the unparalleled business opportunities in the EU Single Market.
Member organisations include chambers of commerce and industry, technology centres, research institutes and development agencies across Europe. Most of them have been supporting local businesses for a long time. They know their clients' strengths and needs - and they know Europe.
As members of the Enterprise Europe Network they are linked up through powerful databases, sharing their knowledge and sourcing technologies and business partners across all Network countries. But they are also closely linked with the European Commission, which enables them to keep abreast of EU policies and to feed small companies' views on them back to Brussels.
Supporting small business is a cornerstone of the EU's drive for growth and jobs. Because 99% of all EU companies are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), accounting for 67% of jobs, what's good for SMEs is good for Europe's economy.
See a summary of the services offered by EEN in this short video clip:
Enterprise Europe Network announces partnership with Local Enterprise Offices
On November 13th 2015, the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) announced a new partnership with 31 Local Enterprise Offices in Ireland. This will mean free access for Irish companies to Europe’s largest database with up to 10,000 new business and technology opportunities in the EU and many other major global markets.
Speaking at the announcement Tom Hayes, Divisional Manager, Regions & Entrepreneurship, Enterprise Ireland said: “Today’s announcement will open doors for Irish companies to foster new partnerships and access up to 60 international markets, get advice on EU funding and support on bringing their innovative products and technologies to a global audience. It is an important step in bringing Irish companies closer to our European counterparts, and will enhance the services that Local Enterprise Offices can offer Irish companies”.
Michael Tunney, Head of Local Enterprise in Donegal commented: “As the first-stop shop for enterprise, the network of Local Enterprise Offices' role is to encourage a culture of entrepreneurship in Ireland. In partnership with the Enterprise Europe Network, Local Enterprise Offices across the country can now support SMEs in becoming more knowledgeable and competitive in global markets, leading to greater international business opportunities”.
In Ireland, The Enterprise Europe Network in Ireland is a joint partnership between Enterprise Ireland, Local Enterprise Offices, Dublin Chamber of Commerce and Cork Chamber of Commerce. The Network is co-financed under ‘COSME’, the EU funding programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and SMEs. The services are tailored for SMEs but are also available to all other businesses, universities and research centres.
Information on the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) can be found on the dedicated Irish website and the EU website
Past Events
Up Your Game Matchmaking Event
Non-UK Delegate Travel Assistance Grant Application Form
Grant assistance is available for non-UK based Small & Medium Sized Enterprises ( SMEs) registered to take part in the “Up Your Game” Global Creative Industries Matchmaking Event, to be held at the Science & Media Museum in Bradford, UK, on 7th – 8th February 2019.
The grant is offered towards the travel and accomodation costs of one delegate per SME and will be paid once actual attendance at the event is confirmed and copies of relevant invoices / receipts are supplied, together with a completed claim form. The grant will be a maximum of £250.00 per company.
To apply for a grant, please complete APPLICATION FORM

Partnering Opportunity
Thermal and acoustic cellulosic insulation system offered to building contractors via subcontracting agreement.
A Czech SME producing thermal and acoustic ecological insulation and blowing application devices is looking for construction and insulation companies in Ireland to which it would provide insulation material, blowing device and training of the staff to collaborate under subcontracting agreement.
A purely Czech owned SME active on the market since 1991 produces thermal and acoustic ecological insulation, ball polystyrene for concrete mixtures and blowing devices for its application. Thermal and acoustic cellulose insulation is a material that does not contain any hazardous substances and is environmentally friendly. It is made of completely pure sorted recycled paper and 100% environmentally friendly additives for the protection against pests, fire, moulds, and
applied by blowing. The company is continually improving the manufacturing processes, so the insulation contains minimum of chemicals while maintaining all technical parameters. Due to the way of application and the fact that the insulation is made from cellulosic fibre with non-volatile thermal conductivity and also due to specific heat capacity, it has almost 40% better thermal insulation than mineral fibre based insulations. The insulation is applicable to all types of buildings where it accurately fills the whole insulated space without the risk of thermal bridges. The packing line of its own construction enables the insulation to be pressed to a large bulk density so the transport cost to the client is lowered. For thermal and acoustic ecological insulation (including blowing devices), the envisaged
collaboration would be ideally based on subcontracting agreement.
Advantages and Innovations
-application way preventing thermal bridges and settling
-does not contain any hazardous substances
-protection against fire, pests, moulds
-can be applied without the danger of skin irritation unlike the fibreglass insulation application
-a cost-effective, energy-efficient alternative to fibreglass and other kinds of insulations
-the insulation is pressed to a large bulk density which lowers transportation costs
- if asked, the Czech company provides the whole system including training of personnel
Stage of Development
Already on the market
IPR Status
Secret Know-how
Full PDF document
Upcoming Event

Cultural Heritage Matchmaking @SuperScienceMe offers a forum for matching advanced cultural heritage technologies, innovation demand of cultural institutions and cities, novel applications from SMEs, and technical challenges of large companies.
The event is organised in conjunction with the fifth edition of the researcher night exhibition “SuperScienceMe 2018”, jointly organised by all Calabrian universities and Institutes of the National Research Council, and Calabria Region.
Cultural Heritage Matchmaking offers participants the opportunity to meet new international cooperation and business partners for joint research projects, business ideas and technology transfer in pre-scheduled meetings.
How to participate 1. Online registration | until 17th September 2018 2. Set up a profile 3. Request meetings | 27th August 2018 - 24th September 2018 4. Join the face-to-face pre-scheduled meetings | 27th-28th September
The participation is free of charge.
Participants - companies; - universities and research institutions, technology centres; - public and private cultural operators, such as museums, libraries, parks, foundations, etc.; - technological clusters, innovation agencies; - local and regional government representatives, policy makers.
Main topics
- non-invasive techniques for identification and diagnostics of artefacts;
- advanced techniques for surveys of archaeological sites;
- tools and techniques for underwater archaeology (detection, recovery, treatment, etc.);
- advanced monitoring techniques, including ambient conditions and natural risks (eg., seismic events);
- virtual restouration, simulation, virtual environments;
- knowledge management and AI for classification, management and
valorisation of cultural heritage assets;
- software tools for planning and managing complex operations;
- innovative experiences for the valorisation of cultural assets;
- innovative installations and fruition mechanisms.

Invitation to 2018 China Liling International Ceramic Expo
This international exhibition is aimed to support the domestic and abroad ceramic brands in their efforts to access global value chains and develop worldwide partnerships and business cooperation.
Dates:Sept. 25th – Oct. 2nd 2018 Open for public: Sep. 30th - Oct. 2nd
Location: Liling, Zhu Zhou City, Hunan Province, China
Exhibition Overview:
671 exhibitors from more than 25 countries
Chinese exhibitors from 252 companies
Hundreds of thousands of merchants and visitors gathered there to deal with their business
The volume of trade on site reached RMB 120 million
The total contract amount was RMB 650 million
During the period (National Day Holidays), Liling hosted 1.045 million tourists with 423 million tourism income
Young visitors who are more attracted by the imaginary and creative ceramic products
Exhibition participants will have the opportunity to:
- Contact different ceramic brands from all over the world
- Get a business network covering and expanding international markets
- Attain a large amount volume of trade on site
- Win more distributors, purchasers and market shares
Participant profile:
Daily ceramic: Ceramic tableware, tea sets, cups, jars, pots, cans, plates, saucers, bowls, ceramic tile, including ceramic bathing products, etc.
Artistic ceramic: Ceramic vases, sculptures, garden ceramics, utensils, photo frames, murals, furnishings, etc.
Electronic ceramic: Ceramic pipes, towers, pumps, valves, ramming reactors, casings for motors, post insulators, low-voltage electrical appliances, insulators for lighting, insulators for telecommunications, insulators for radios, etc.
New Material for ceramic: Ceramic high alumina oxy-ceramics, magnesium ceramics, attapulgite ceramics, zircon ceramics, lithium ceramics, and magnetic ceramics, cermet,etc.
Ceramic Equipment: Furnace, ball mill, press, gypsum vacuum blender, beater, fast glazing machine, slow grinding glaze machine, ceramic molds, grout tables, and production equipment, etc.
Full Brochure
For foreign exhibitors come to China:
Standard 3*3 booth fee and special installation fee are free (including decoration drawings). The actual cost is 18,000 RMB Yuan for each.
Two people participated in the exhibition, reimbursement of 2 one-way air tickets; one person participated in the exhibition, reimbursement of round-trip tickets, and all meals were included.
Freight charges are self-care.
For foreign brands have China agents:
Standard 3*3 booth fee and special installation fee are free (including decoration drawings). The actual cost is 18,000 RMB Yuan for each.
- Two people participated in the exhibition, reimbursement of 2 round-way tickets.
- Freight charges are self-care.
For the purchasers:
- We have 3,000 RMB Yuan subsidies for each company, with meal and accommodation all-inclusive.
Some Core EEN Services include:
What are partner searches?
What is a brokerage event?
The Enterprise Europe Network is the world's largest support network for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and helps Irish companies to make the most of business and technology opportunities in the EU and other major global markets.
Contact your Local Enterprise Office, as a first step to gain international success
Email: or Tel: 01 414 9000