Local Enterprise Offices provide a range of financial supports designed to assist with the establishment and/or growth of businesses employing up to ten people. These financial supports are designed to provide a flexible suite of supports to LEO clients and potential clients.
Direct financial assistance, particularly at the start-up phase is very important. The provision of grant-aid to small businesses, albeit on a selective basis, is a central support of the Tipperary LEO.
Selective Financial Assistance
Where eligibility criteria are met, we offer a variety of financial supports to assist the start-up, development and expansion of small businesses in the manufacturing and services sectors. Find out more about the financial supports offered by your Local Enterprise Office here.
If you are setting up or expanding a business then contact us to see if you are eligible for support.
Application forms for further grant types maybe accessed here.
For More Information on our Financial Supports please download our brochure here.