The Mentor Programme is designed to provide micro enterprises with access to the expertise, experience and contacts of business people. All applications for mentor assistance are dealt with individually and are preceded by a business needs analysis to assess the key needs of the business and determine the most imperative mentoring objectives.
Who Qualifies?
The Mentor Programme is open to both new and existing businesses located withìn the LEO region.
How to apply:
Complete the application form here. (You will need to set up a username and password as part of the process)
How is a mentor selected:
Each request is handled individually with careful consideration given to match the requirements of the business to the specialised skills and knowledge of a mentor. Several mentors will be considered and the final selection shall be made by the relevant Local Enterprise Office staff member handling the application.
What can the mentors achieve:
The mentors role is to listen and advise and by doing so can assist in identifying obstacles to growth of your business. In this way solutions to problems identified may be found.
The mentors' role is that of an independent advisor. The mentor will encourage you to take appropriate action by contributing informed, independent and knowledgeable advice. By doing this you shall be in a better position to make decisions.
Mentors will be good listeners, easy to relate to and have a flexible approach.
What your mentor cannot do:
The mentor is precluded from becoming actively involved in the day-to-day management or assuming any executive role in the business.
Your mentor is not a consultant and although he/she may advise on a course of action it is not the function or role of the mentor to perform these for you.
The mentor must have your fullest co-operation if the assignment is to succeed. An open and frank relationship is needed. Each mentor will have signed a confidentiality agreement prior to taking up the assignment.
Meetings with your mentor:
Your mentor will draw up with you a list of objectives and set priorities. It is best that this is accomplished as early as possible.
The timing and length of meetings shall be decided by you and the mentor. At the end of each mentoring visit you shall have set objectives to be achieved by you prior to the next meeting. You should also agree date/time of the subsequent meeting.
Be sure you know the contact details for the assigned mentors but if you have problems you may contact staff of the Local Enterprise Office.
If you require a mentor with different expertise:
It can happen that, during your mentoring with the initially assigned mentor, you identify problems, outside of the mentors field of experience, then you may request a change of mentor.
The Local Enterprise Office shall seek your evaluation of the mentoring on completion. This is required to ensure any problems highlighted may be corrected to ensure a first class service to our businesses in the future. It is also a requirement that we assess the contribution made to the future growth of your business.
In order to ensure timely processing of the application form, please ensure you have completed all sections. Ommitance may result in delaying your application for assistance.