How Chat GPT can improve your Business

Thurs, 11th Jul
09.30 - 12.30
I.T. Training

The power of AI for small businesses is undeniable. By leveraging AI technology, small businesses can increase efficiency, improve accuracy, better serve their customers and stay competitive in today's digital world.

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How Chat GPT can improve your Business

Two factor authorisation is required when booking. Please ensure you have this set up with your bank. If you experience any difficulties regarding payment, please contact the LEO office at 051 849905 for assistance.

Course Aims

ChatGPT and the power of AI for small businesses is quickly becoming evident as more and more small business owners incorporate AI technology into their operations. AI, or artificial  intelligence, refers to the ability of a machine or computer program to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as learning, problem-solving, and decision-making.

The power of AI for small businesses is undeniable. By leveraging AI technology, small businesses can increase efficiency, improve accuracy, better serve their customers and stay competitive in today's digital world.

Attendees will gain the knowledge and skills to effectively utilise ChatGPT to enhance customer interactions, streamline communication, improve marketing activities and boost overall business productivity. This course will give examples and demos of how ChatGPT can be used to benefit their business.

Outcomes of Programme:

After completion of this training course learners will understand how to use ChatGPT for their business and learners will see first-hand examples of how it can be used.

Course Outline:

This course looks at the AI language models - ChatGPT that is freely available and business owners can integrate it into their businesses in order to improve time many aspects of their business.

The course will cover the following areas:

1: Introduction to ChatGPT

  • Overview of Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • Introduction to ChatGPT and its capabilities
  • Understanding the potential benefits for small businesses

2: Getting Started with ChatGPT

  • Creating an OpenAI account and accessing ChatGPT
  • A walk through of the ChatGPT Interface and how to use it

3: Crafting Effective Prompts

  • Best practices for formulating prompts
  • Tips for achieving desired responses
  • Examples of effective and clear communication with ChatGPT
  • Tailoring responses to suit business needs and tone

4: Real-world Applications - How to use ChatGPT for:

  • A Social Media Campaign
  • Content Creation
  • Idea Generation / Business Brainstorming
  • Business Strategy Creation
  • Solving Problems

This course gives practical examples to participants on how they can use ChatGPT to improve their own workflows. AI is one of the fastest growing technologies and more and more tools will become available, accessible and affordable to small businesses in the near future. AI can help small businesses stay competitive in today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world.

As more and more companies adopt AI technology, small businesses that do not do the same risk being left behind. By incorporating AI into their operations, small businesses can level the playing field and compete more effectively with larger, more established companies. AI can help small business owners generate social media content, create graphics, solve Excel formulas, write email responses and many more tasks.

When booking, please note: 

  • This training is for businesses currently trading or planning on trading in Waterford City or County. If you are based outside of Waterford, please contact the relevant LEO to access a similar service. A full listing of LEO offices is available by following this link - Find Your Local Enterprise Office
  • By booking this course you agree to share your booking details with the trainer.
  • This is an interactive workshops so participants are asked to bring a laptop/device with them.
  • Lunch will be provided - please let us know if you have any dietary requirements.

Training Partner: 

Eagle Dreams was founded in 2006 by Ronan Cleary. Since then, it has grown in strength and is now one of Waterford’s leading Web Design & Digital Media service providers to the southeast. Eagle Dreams has a reputation of delivering high quality at affordable prices. The company is known for its leading adoption of new technologies and its high uncompromising level of customer service. Ronan has a Degree in Commercial Software Development form WIT. He also has a diploma in teaching practices, and this has been useful in delivering Social Media, Website and SEO courses for a number of national bodies. His skills for training are used in a bespoke tailored training for corporate companies in the private sector.