Instagram for Business

Wed, 24th July
9.30 - 12.30
Social Media

The Aim of the Programme is to enable participants to develop and implement a clearly defined Instagram strategy for their business.

Only 4 remaining

Instagram for Business

The Aim of the Programme is to enable participants to develop and implement a clearly defined Instagram strategy for their business.

Aims & Objectives

By the end of the Programme, participants will have:

  • A real understanding of how Instagram can help drive their business and how best to use it to grow and engage with their audience
  • Become proficient with using Instagram and all its associated features
  • The ability to create a Instagram Marketing Strategy and Plan for their business and the confidence to create an Action Plan as to how to implement this
  • Ideas for a Range of Engaging Content including Video and Images, Posts and Stories, Reels and more, and understand the differences between each and how and why you would use individual features most effectively to target different customers
  • An understanding of how to Maximise Reach amongst existing followers as well as how to be found by new followers using SEO Techniques
  • Become proficient at Analysing and Optimising Instagram activity in all its forms
  • An understanding of the different options for Selling on Instagram
  • The knowledge of how to set up an Instagram Advertising campaign should they need to for their business
  • The ability to link their Instagram account with Facebook and avail of the Meta Business Suite and all that it offers.

Please Note: 

  • This training is for businesses currently trading or planning on trading in Waterford City or County. If you are based outside of Waterford please contact the relevant LEO to access a similar service. A full listing of LEO offices are available by following this link - Find Your Local Enterprise Office
  • By booking this course you agree to share your booking details with the trainer.
  • The Zoom link for this online programme will be emailed in advance. 
  • Two factor authorisation is required when booking; please ensure you have this set up with your bank. If you experience any difficulties regarding payment, please contact the LEO office at 051 849905 for assistance.

Delivery Method

This workshop will be delivered via Zoom. Click the link below to see how to use Zoom.

Click here in order to find out how to use Zoom

Training Partner:

Training will be delivered by Marie Wiseman of Business IQ; Marie has over 20 years marketing experience working for both small and large businesses in the UK and Ireland. Her West Cork marketing business is Wiser Marketing. Marie’s work with Business IQ focuses on delivering bespoke Digital Marketing Programmes, as well as the Digital Marketing, Marketing, and Market Research modules of the LEO Start Your Own Business Programmes. To date she has delivered this training for Waterford, Cork North and West, Cork South, Cork City and Kerry LEOs. Marie is on the Mentoring Panel for the Cork County Local Enterprise Offices. She was also Vice President of the Network Ireland West Cork branch in 2021 and is on the Network Ireland Mentoring Panel.