Shopfront Enhancement Scheme
Westmeath County Council has made funding available for business owners to improve the building facades of their properties. The aim of the scheme is to enhance the streetscape environment of towns and villages throughout County Westmeath by encouraging and supporting owners of local retail and commercial premises to improve their individual shopfronts.
An annual fund of €100,000 has been provided for 2025. Grants of up to €4,500 or 75% of the cost of the works (vat exclusive) will be available for qualifying solo applicants. For collaboration projects from three or more adjoining businesses, grants of up to €6,000 or 75% of the costs (vat exclusive) will be available for qualifying joint applicants, at least two out of three properties must be rated (66%). Where a business undertakes to improve accessibility for the elderly or people with disabilities, grants of up to €6,000 or 75% of the costs (vat exclusive), for that particular initiative, will be available for qualifying applicants.
It is intended that the scheme will result in a more attractive environment that residents, visitors, shoppers and businesses can enjoy. It is also envisaged that this scheme will assist in promoting our towns and villages as attractive places for social and business interaction, thereby increasing the vitality and viability of our settlements with positive benefits for all.
Eligible Towns and Villages under this scheme
This scheme is open for applications from all local indigenous businesses/retail premises within the development envelope of all towns and villages contained within County Westmeath’s settlement hierarchy as follows:
Mullingar, Athlone, Castlepollard, Kilbeggan, Kinnegad, Moate, Ballinagore, Ballinalack,
Ballykeeran, Ballymore, Ballyncacarrigy, Castletown-Geoghegan, Clonmellon, Collinstown, Coole, Delvin, Finnea, Glasson, Killucan/Rathwire, Milltownpass, Multyfarnham, Raharney, Rathowen,Rochfortbridge, Tyrrellspass.
Applications from businesses located outside of the above settlement hierarchy will be considered on a case-by-case basis, in the spirit of the scheme, where the proposed works would result in a more attractive environment for residents and customers.
For full details on this scheme, download the guidance document - Click HERE

For further information please contact or call 044 - 9338945.