Productivity 24-South East LEAN Conference Empowers Small Business Owners with LEAN Thinking Techniques & Insights
Small business owners from across the South East attended the Productivity24-South East LEAN Conference on Tuesday 20th February in Newpark Hotel Kilkenny for a transformative half-day conference dedicated to the world of productivity and LEAN Thinking. The exclusive event was tailored for owner-managers of small companies and promises to equip attendees with invaluable insights and practical strategies to harness the full potential of LEAN Principles to increase efficiency in the business.
Productivity-24 was hosted by the Local Enterprise Offices in Carlow, Kilkenny, Wexford and Waterford.
The event was moderated by Aine Kerr and featured speakers including John O’Shanahan from LEAN BPI, Stuart Nelson from Jigsaw, Robert Hernan from Enterprise Ireland, LEAN Experts Richie Dawson from LI4 and Pat Lynch from SETU.
Speaking about the event, Aine Kerr said “I was delighted to be part of this event which created a conversation around efficiency and productivity in SME’s of all types and sizes in the South East”.

The event was open to SME’s across the South East of Ireland and Aileen McGrath on behalf of the Local Enterprise Offices, said “Productivity24 was a fantastic opportunity to revolutionize the way SMEs think about their business in the modern era. Local businesses benefited from the wisdom and expertise of industry-leading speakers who have successfully navigated LEAN thinking. SMEs gained actionable insights from their experiences, best practices, and case studies”.
If you are interested in availing of LEAN supports, please contact your Local Enterprise Office.