Feasibility Study

Funding to assist a qualifying promoter to research market demand for their product or service and with examining its sustainability.
Business Priming

Funding for a qualifying microenterprise within the first 18 months of start-up. The support of new jobs is prioritised.
Business Expansion

Funding for a qualifying microenterprise that has been trading for over 18 months. The support of news jobs is prioritised.
Market Explorer Grant
Maximum funding of up to €10,000 or 50% of eligible costs for companies seeking to explore either an existing/new geographic market for an existing/new product/service.
Microfinance Loans

Loans from €2,000 - €50,000. Term from 3-5 years - Reduced Interest Rate of 5.5% APR on submissions made via Local Enterprise Office.
Innovation Vouchers

Vouchers to the value of max. €5,000 are available through Enterprise Ireland administered scheme.
Energy Efficiency Grant

The Energy Efficiency Grant supports the investment in technologies and equipment of enterprises following on from a Green for Business Report, GreenStart Report or a SEAI Energy Audit with 75% of eligible costs from a minimum grant of €750 to a maximum of €10,000.
Grow Digital

The Grow Digital Voucher offers small businesses with up to 50 employees financial support to embrace digital technology. Funding of up to €5,000 to invest in software and training/IT configuration. The grant aid will be 50% of eligible costs with minimum grant aid of €500 up to a maximum grant of €5,000 per application.
Vacant Commercial Premises Scheme

A scheme to encourage new businesses to occupy commercial premises. This scheme lowers the entry costs through a grant related to the level of rates payable on the property.
Shop Front Improvement Scheme

An initiative to improve the overall appearance of shop fronts and commercial properties that front onto public streets within Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown. 50% of the shop front cost up to a maximum grant of €5,000.