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Enterprise Europe Network – Information Event

Council Chamber, City Hall, Quay Street, Sligo
11.00am - 13.00pm
Enterprise Week

The Enterprise Europe Network in Ireland is a joint partnership between Enterprise Ireland, Local Enterprise Offices, Dublin and Cork Chambers of Commerce.

This event is no longer available

EENEnterprise Europe Network – Information EventLocal Enterprise Week

What is EEN?

The Enterprise Europe Network in Ireland is a joint partnership between Enterprise Ireland, Local Enterprise Offices, Dublin Chamber of Commerce and Cork Chamber of Commerce. The aim of the network is to open doors for Irish companies to develop new partnerships and access up to 60 international markets, get advice on EU funding and support on bringing their innovative products and technologies to a global audience.
Information on the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) can be found on the dedicated Irish website and the EU website

Learn about the Enterprise Europe Network, get some key tips from the Patents Office on protecting your Intellectual Property in the EU marketplace and get some practical advice from Susan Hayes, the Positive Economist on how she used the Network to her advantage. 

Date: Tuesday 8th March 2016
Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Quay Street, Sligo
Time: Registration from 10.45am, event commencement at 11.00


11:00 Welcome & Event Open

11:05 PJ O Reilly (Regional Manager, H2020, EEN, TT & Licencing) Enterprise Ireland
Introduction to Enterprise Europe Network & its services & benefits
11:30 The Patents Office
Intellectual Property - An Overview
12:00 Susan Hayes, ‘The Positive Economist’
EEN Participant Case Study on Business Partnering

12:30 Q&A

12:40 Light Lunch, informal networking & Close.