Introduction to Financial supports at Local Enterprise Office Donegal
This section will provide you with information on the Application forms required when applying for grant aid and give some tips when completing the application. It is recommended that you make contact with an executive of the LEO prior to the closing date in order to discuss any queries you may have.
Applying for funding
Before making an application for financial support you will be required to prepare a business plan. This helps the Evaluation committee and LEO understand your business idea and how the business will operate. It is also important that you meet the eligibility criteria required. For example the enterprise must be in the added-value manufacturing or services with the potential to trade internationally sectors.
Feasibility Grant

Designed to assist a business promoter(s) with researching market demand for a product or service and with examining its sustainability.
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Priming Grant

A business start-up grant, available to micro enterprises within the first 18 months of start-up.
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