Donegal Food Champions invited to apply for Food Coast Brand!
Businesses in Donegal associated with the food sector, will soon be able to demonstrate how they champion Donegal food by applying to use the Donegal Food Coast Brand and by joining the Food Coast network. The initiative is the latest step in the roll-out of the Donegal Food Strategy and will allow businesses in Donegal to seek to obtain use of The Food Coast branding. This, says Eve-Anne McCarron, Executive with The Food Coast – Donegal’s Good Food Initiative, will permit businesses to demonstrate that they are either a Donegal-based producer or a business sourcing produce from Donegal producers. “When Donegal Local Enterprise Office launched The Food Coast – Donegal’s Good Food Initiative – the object was to support development, growth and raise awareness of Donegal’s food sector.
Now the initiative is on track to further raise awareness of food from within the county - through the launch of The Food Coast Brand - giving local enterprises an opportunity to clearly demonstrate that they champion Donegal food,” she said.Eve-Anne explained that Businesses in Donegal, can now seek to obtain use of The Food Coast branding and she believes there is already a strong desire among those working in the food-sector in the county to highlight their pride in Donegal produce. “The initiative aims to assist the food and drink producers and manufacturers of the region, the retailers supplying local produce and the hospitality outlets working with locally sourced ingredients.
By contacting Donegal Local Enterprise Office - Primary producers, Value Added Processors, Retailers, Restaurants and Food Service Businesses - can all now apply to use the Food Coast Brand and to join the Food Coast Network.” Strict criteria will apply, but the Food Coast executive says she believes the new branding will be much-coveted among those working across the spectrum of the food sector in Donegal. “In a short space of time, The Food Coast has become a central platform for establishing Donegal as a “Food County” – a place with a vibrant food culture and food economy. Donegal Local Enterprise Office and Donegal County Council are keen to ensure that The Food Coast – Donegal’s Good Food Initiative – continues to create employment and contributes to sustaining the county’s local economy,” Chief Executive of Donegal County Council, Seamus Neely said.
Anyone seeking further information on the Food Coast Brand can contact Eve-Anne at eveanne.mccarron@leo.donegalcoco.ie or call 07491 60735