New website launched to celebrate Donegal's fabulous food businesses

Donegal food businesses have been urged to build upon the positivity around the county's growing food culture and to get behind the county's Food Coast initiative as it strives to establish Donegal as a 'food county.' The comments came at the recent launch of the Donegal Food Coast website in Rockhill House when a large number of food businesses gathered to network and to learn from keynote speakers.
One of those speakers was local chef Brian McDermott who urged the food businesses to continue to be positive about what Donegal has to offer. Suggesting that the strength of the county is its people, he said Donegal people need to pick their heads up and be more assured of their offering.
"Donegal is on the crest of a wave right now and people will not forget about us if we keep telling our story - keep vibrantly bringing something new to the table," he said.
Fáilte Ireland's Sinead Hennessy talked on the day about how businesses can develop immersive and memorable food experiences and stressed that food is very much part of a visitor experience now.
"When visitors leave Ireland their lasting memories are around the social interactions of eating and drinking. The food experience is at the core of an exceptional visitor experience, she said.
Earlier, Cathaoirleach, Cllr. Gerry McMonagle, who launched the new website – - urged food businesses to engage with and be an active part of the Food Coast.
The launch of the Food Coast Website can help put Donegal food on a worldwide platform – but to be truly successful going forward, it will require your energy and enthusiasm.
Head of Enterprise in Donegal, Michael Tunney, said the vision of The Donegal Food Strategy is to collectively work to make Donegal famous for food and to make Donegal recognised as a pioneering region for its approach.
"The launch of the website is just among the latest strides made towards making that happen and we look forward to seeing our Donegal food businesses respond positively by engaging more with the Food Coast and using the platform available to them via the website to really enhance the reputation of Donegal food," he said.