LEAN for Micro:
Helping businesses to become more efficient, effective and sustainable.

What is LEAN?
LEAN is about being effective and efficient - doing things quicker, better and cheaper. LEAN strives to stamp out waste and to continually improve. LEAN tools and techniques are helping companies across all sectors and all sections from e.g. production, business processes but also sales and financial strategy. It is NOT just for manufacturing businesses!
Local Enterprise Office Donegal recognises the importance of the continual development of the promoter of a business, as well as the overall productivity and profitability of a business.
LEAN has helped many businesses in Donegal, from a range of sectors to make significant savings and improvements through the application of LEAN.
What are the objectives?
Participants will have the knowledge and skills to enable them undertake small lean projects resulting in continuous cost reduction improvements in their businesses. This programme will help to:
- Identify issues and potential improvement areas.
- Provide support to implement and embed LEAN principles.
- Engage staff actively in the process.
- Achieve savings and improvements in capability and capacity.
- Measure the impact of changes made.
Who is the Programme for?
It is aimed at owner / managers and key staff members of any Donegal businesses that feel there are areas of their business which need to be reviewed and improved. LEAN for Micro will allow them to be gain an understanding of LEAN and be guided through mentoring to apply and implement this approach to a key project.
What does the programme involve?
- Workshop - 1 Day: An initial workshop which gives an overview of LEAN principles and concepts and how they can be applied to business for continuous improvement.
- Review - ½ Day: The appointed consultant will complete an in company review of current practice and processes to identify areas for improvement. A number of projects can be identified. Key business metrics are noted as a base line for review.
- Select & Apply – One project is selected based upon priority to the business. Through a further 4 (up to 3.5 hours) sessions with the consultant, the company and key personnel are supported in the implementation of LEAN to the project over a 6 to 8 week period.
- Review ½ Day – Post implementation review to assess the impact of applying LEAN to the project. Key business metrics are noted and projected savings noted in final report.
How it is delivered?
There are two delivery methods available:
- Programme (One-to-Many) – In this delivery method, one Lean Service Provider is selected by the Donegal LEO after tender and works with all of the companies on the programme. There is an initial 1-to-2-day “Introduction to Lean” workshop followed by individual One to One LEAN mentoring to support the companies as outlined above. The programme fee is paid in advance of starting. The fee is €450.00
- Self Appoint Consultant (One-to-One) – In this delivery method, the company itself selects & appoints the Lean Service Provider it wishes to work with on its project after agreement with the Donegal LEO. The consultant must be formally appointed. A LEAN for Micro voucher is awarded, the business pays the consultant and reclaims the cost up to a max of €5000 (incl of VAT) at a rate of 90% funded upon completion and submission of the required documentation.
With both methods, the Lean Service Provider will visit the company, evaluate its processes, and speak with the company’s managers about challenges faced by the business and the improvement project opportunities to be carried out over several weeks. A number of Lean tools and techniques will be applied as appropriate to the needs of the business and improvement project at-hand. Additionally, management and staff will be trained and mentored on Lean
There is no limit on the number of times a company can participate on the programme, the scope of the engagement is agreed with the Donegal LEO in advance of commencement.
Directory of Lean Service Providers
A directory of service providers interested in undertaking assignments under the Lean Business Offer is maintained by Enterprise Ireland. The directory holds a profile provided by each service provider on their expertise and experience with Lean projects. Where a company chooses the self appointment method, they can select a service provider from this directory.
Service providers can apply to Enterprise Ireland for consideration to be added to the directory. Inclusion in the directory will be based on their experience and expertise.
Please ensure you carefully read the Guidelines for Use of Directory prior to selecting from the list of service providers.
Enterprise Ireland does not give any warranty, either express or implied, as to the qualifications or suitability of any of the persons on the list of service providers and Enterprise Ireland will not be liable for any loss and/or damage caused by a company’s decision to retain the services of such a service provider.
Directory of Lean Service Providers
How do I apply?
If you wish to be considered for the LEAN for Micro programme, please complete the online application form here after which a LEO executive will be in touch to discuss your needs and agree the next steps.
Full Details of LEAN for Micro and Case Studies.
If you have any questions please contact Grace Korbel by email grace.korbel@leo.donegalcoco.ie or call our office at 0749160735