The LEO can consider applications for financial assistance from new start-up or expanding businesses (employing less than 10) involved in manufacturing, internationally traded services, or have the potential for international trade. The LEO can consider project applications that fall within those and other eligibility criteria for the following financial assistance packages:
- Feasibility/Innovation Grants
- Priming Grants
- Business Expansion Grants
- Market Explorer Grants
- Website Development Grants
- Energy Efficiency Grants
Please see the following short video on financial assistance available.
The general conditions for grant support are as follows:
- The sector of the economy in which an enterprise is operating or intends to operate: The Local Enterprise Office is in a position to consider applications for projects that fall into the manufacturing and internationally traded services sectors.
- the size or proposed size of the enterprise: The Local Enterprise Office can assist in the establishment, and/or development, of new and existing enterprises from individuals/sole traders, companies and community groups subject to the following eligibility criteria;
- the enterprise must be in the commercial sphere;
- the enterprise must demonstrate a market for the product/service;
- the enterprise must have a capacity for growth and new job creation;
- the enterprise must not employ more than 10 people.
Financial supports may cover business costs directly attributable to starting a new business, growing and developing a business, or for carrying out a feasibility/innovation study, except payments to state bodies.
Please note primary processing, retail/wholesale, professional services and consultancies, tourism related businesses, local service businesses (i.e. restaurants, pubs, cafes, plumbers, hairdressers, construction, etc) or mobile assests (cars/vans) are not eligible for financial assistance.