Local Enterprise Offices are highlighting the fast-track Agile Innovation Fund from Enterprise Ireland, that can give small companies from across the country rapid access to innovation funding.
This measure has been introduced by Enterprise Ireland and can help clients of Local Enterprise Offices respond more quickly to market opportunities and challenges, including those posed by Brexit.
Offering fast-track approval and a streamlined online application process, the Agile Innovation Fund will allow companies, including small companies, to access up to 45% or 50% in support for product, process or servicedevelopment projects with a total cost of up to €300,000.
Neurent Medical Ltd, a medical device company in Oranmore, has recently availed of innovation funding through its Local Enterprise Office in Galway. In May, the company announced plans to create up to 25 new jobs, after a successful fundraising round.

Brian Shields, CEO of Neurent Medical said: “Innovation is the lifeblood of any small business, it differentiates us and generates real market opportunities. Innovation funding support from the Local Enterprise Office can be the difference between success and failure for companies as they attempt to stand out from the pack.”
Other Local Enterprise Office clients that have benefitted from innovation funding recently include:
New Avenue (www.new-avenue.com)
Studyclix (www.studyclix.ie)
TrustVet (www.trustvet.com)
Paleo Ireland (www.paleoireland.ie)
Waters + Wild (www.watersandwild.com)
Big Red Barn (www.bigredbarn.ie)
Herdwatch (www.herdwatch.ie)
Intellicom (www.intellicom.io)
Data Storage & Management Ltd (www.dsm.ie)
Hope Beer (www.hopebeer.ie)
Aviation Selection Consultants (www.aviationselectionconsultants.com)
Pip and Pear (www.pipandpear.ie)
Kinvara Skincare (www.kinvaraskincare.com)
To find out more about the Agile Innovation Fund, contact your Local Enterprise Office (click here to find your nearest one)