Applications for Enterprise Ireland’s Innovation Arena at the National Ploughing Championships, in conjunction with the Irish Farmers Journal, are now being accepted with the deadline extended to the 6th July 2018.
Innovative agri companies from around the country are invited to apply to showcase their products at the heart of the Innovation Arena at the National Ploughing Championships in Screggan, Tullamore, Co. Offaly, 18-20 September 2018.

The Innovation Arena provides a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs and start-ups operating in agri and agri-tech to showcase ground-breaking agri-related developments. Inventions developed at home or professional innovations from larger companies are welcome to the Arena to be displayed to the thousands of visitors the National Ploughing Championships attracts each year.
The National Ploughing Championships is one of Europe’s largest outdoor agricultural trade exhibitions, and last year’s event broke records with 291,000 attendees over 3 days. This year will see the addition of an ‘Investor Evening’ where the top five rated innovations will pitch to an international panel of agri-tech accelerators. The fund of potential investment is valued at €120m for suitable projects, and for start-up companies and entrepreneurs that have identified technology that will support the global agri-tech focus.
James Maloney, Senior Regional Development Executive, Enterprise Ireland said: “Each year, the Enterprise Ireland Innovation Arena attracts a diverse range of established companies, start-ups and entrepreneurs and judging by the applications received for this year’s Arena to date, the bar has been raised even higher in terms of innovation. Over 100 international buyers have confirmed attendance at this year’s event, with major investors identifying the Innovation Arena as a key place to look for Irish agri-tech innovation. This year’s Arena will also feature a conference venue where companies can launch new products and present to the international buyers attending. I would strongly encourage all interested companies and entrepreneurs to leverage the extended deadline and submit their applications as soon as possible.”
The 2018 NPA Innovation Arena prize fund equates to over €80,000 in supports. The overall award winner will receive a top prize worth €15,000 from Enterprise Ireland and The Irish Farmers Journal which includes advertising and PR support, mentoring and a cash prize of €5,000. All finalists will receive an advertising voucher to promote their innovation through the Irish Farmers Journal and a subsidised stand in the Innovation Arena for 2018.
To enter this year’s Innovation Arena Awards, please visit: