Sligo County Council:
- Acknowledges the importance of meeting the needs of a diverse cross section of the communities we serve in a fair & balanced manner which ensures equality of access and opportunity.
- Will make every endeavour to ensure we meet the needs of people with disabilities in terms of equality of access and of opportunity as appropriate.
- Is committed to the provision of the best possible services to their clients and customers.
- All parties providing a service to / or on behalf of Sligo County Council are required to be compliant with our Equality & Diversity Policy.
- Every person / all persons/ having any business or contact with Sligo County Council is entitled to be treated with dignity and respect and valued for their diversity / difference.
- Members of the public having business with the local authority are required where appropriate to be compliant with this public services charter and to respect the equality and diversity of the local authority.
- Sligo County Council is committed to a policy of equality of access and opportunity in its employment practises.
- In a work & employment environment which values inclusive diversity , merit, competence, qualifications, knowledge, potential and the ability of each person are the basis for all recruitment and employment decisions.
- Sligo County Council is compliant with the Equal Status, Equality & Disability Legislation. We will facilitate to the best of our ability all access needs of people with disabilities and special requirements.
- Sligo County Council commits to the following principles of equality & diversity in our public services provision and management ;
- Equality of Access
- Equality of Opportunity
- Inclusive Diversity
- Anti-Discriminatory Measures & Provisions
- Sligo County Council Disability Inclusion & Access Strategy 2019 – 2022 is available here
For more information contact Sligo County Council at 071 9111111 or email info@sligococo.ie.