Ireland EUSF logo(JPEG, English)
European Regional Development Fund Logo(JPEG, English)
Guidelines to use of logos
For projects/schemes, which are EU co-financed, the EU emblem and Ireland’s ESIF logo must feature on any publicity and communications material produced.
1. In terms of size, the EU emblem shall be the same size as Ireland’s ESIF logo and that of any other logo(s) featured. 2. If used horizontally Ireland’s ESIF logo should be placed on the left, followed by the EU emblem in the centre, followed by the Department, Regional Assembly or Agency’s corporate logo on the right. If used vertically Ireland’s ESIF logo should be placed on the top, followed by the EU emblem in the centre, followed by the Department, Regional Assembly or Agency’s corporate logo on the bottom. A range of logos (Ireland's ESIF and S&E RA), in Irish and English, colour and monochrome, in .jpg and EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) and PNG (Portable Network Graphics) format are available.
3. Implementing Regulation (EU) 821/2014 Article 4 (3) states that when the Union emblem, the reference to the Union and the relevant Fund are displayed on a website: (a) the Union emblem and the reference to the Union shall be visible, when landing on the website, inside the viewing area of a digital device, without requiring a user to scroll down the page; (b) the reference to the relevant Fund shall be made visible on the same website. The Union emblem referred to in point 1(a) of Section 2.2 of Annex XII to Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 shall be displayed in colour on websites. Ireland's ESIF logo must be used in tandem with the EU emblem on the website.
4. Ireland's ESIF logo includes the name 'European Union' which Implementing Regulation 821/2014 Article 4 (4) requires should be spelled out in full.
5. In the event that a project is attracting support from a number of ESIF funds the EU Commission's ESIF logo can be used in place of the ERDF logo and the same conditions outlined above apply.
6. Sufficient ‘breathing spaces’ between logos should be utilised to enhance the visual appearance of publications and signage. Logos are to be in the following order