About Student Enterprise Programme
Each year an average of 29,000 second level students from all over Ireland take part and find out what it is like to be their own boss and how to run a business, experiencing all the ups and downs of entrepreneurship along the way! The Programme complements the business studies curriculum at both junior and senior level and is a rewarding experience for students, giving them the freedom to develop their business concepts to the fullest. Students can enter either individually or as part of a team.
The Local Enterprise Office South Dublin engage a Schools Enterprise Co-ordinator who assists teachers in delivering enterprise education and helps students to prepare their business projects for this competition.
South Dublin has had an outstanding record of success at national level with one or more of our county projects achieving awards on an almost annual basis. For more general information on this programme visit the website www.studententerprise.ie
Contact Details:
School Coordinator - Whizzkids @ 01 061 339178 or: SouthDublinSEP@whizzkids.ie
Local Enterprise Office South Dublin - Stephen Hartin @ 01 4149000 or: shartin@sdublincoco.ie
Competition Categories:
Junior: 1st Year Students
Intermediate: 2nd & 3rd Year Students
Senior: 4th, 5th & 6th Year Students, LCA, LCVP and Youth Reach Students* (All students must be under 18 on the day of the final)
Project Categories:
- Creative Arts (Craft / design / Performance)
- Food
- Technology (apps)
- Fashion / Textile
- Environmental
- Service (Dog grooming / health and Wellness)