Network Ireland Roscommon
The Roscommon Branch of Network Ireland /
Established in 2017, new members always welcome who will have:
- Access to most events free of charge at your local branch
- Access to most events free of charge in all other branches of Network Ireland
- Use of a mentor from our "Mentoring for Success" programme
- Opportunity to become a mentor
- Opportunity to participate in Regional and National Business Awards
- Opportunity for professional and personal development through workshops and events
- Listing on National and Regional website
- Opportunity to participate in National and Regional PR and Marketing
- Reduced ticket prices for national events
- Opportunity to promote your business through many Network Ireland forums
- Opportunity to engage directly with over 1,000 members
- Opportunity to engage directly with leading organisations, both public and private, that are key players in policy and enterprise in Ireland
Follow us on
Twitter @NetIrlRoscommon
Instagram @networkroscommon
Linkedin Network Ireland Roscommon Branch