Age Friendly Business Recognition Programme
Age-Friendly Business is an approach to doing business that recognises and addresses the market opportunity afforded by a society where more people are living healthier for longer.
Why a Business should have an Age Friendly Approach
- Older people own 75% of the wealth in the EU and account for 50% of consumer spending
- Older customers (65+) in Ireland have a revenue-declared annual income of over €6.5 billion
- Older consumers will double in number in the next 30 years, and those over 80 will quadruple
- Older people are loyal customers and outspend younger shoppers
- Older customers not only spend locally and have a lot of purchasing power, but also have the time to shop
- 50% of all toys are bought by grandparents
- Over 50’s take on average almost three trips a year in Ireland, staying three nights away
- According to the 2011 census figures for Sligo 13% of the population are aged 65 years and over
Ideas to make your business age friendly
Examples of low-cost and no cost ways you can make your business age-friendly and attract this powerful and growing segment of the population
- Offer products and/or services that are appropriate for older adults, e.g. single portions
- Make discounts or special offers available for older adults when possible
- Offer assistance with shopping, and or drop off/delivery services
- Provide respectful human contact, in person and on the phone
- Place products on shelves which are accessible or readily offer assistance to reach items
- Use large, clear fonts for signage, printed materials and websites
- Moderate excessively loud music and noise
- Speak clearly in low tones and repeat yourself if necessary
For further information contact:
Dolores McDonagh
Sligo Age Friendly Co-ordinator
Sligo County Council
City Hall
Quay Street