Case Studies

Q&A with Paul McDonald of Sonitus Systems

We discuss the niche of noise management, winning big abroad and the importance of being reliable in business with Paul McDonald, the co-founder of Sonitus Systems.

Q & A with Lucy Clarke from ELKS

We discuss the hidden gem of Irish fabrics, rebranding and the transformative experience of becoming a mother with the co-founder of Elks, Lucy Clarke.

Q&A with Ray Mongey from GLUE

We discuss the ‘wow factor’, doing business in Dubai and bringing blockbuster movie effects to on-line videos with the Managing Director of GLUE, Ray Mongey

Q&A with Ann Higgins of Medical Audits

We discuss technology and healthcare, time-saving innovations and finding the right business partner with the co-founder of Medical Audits Ltd, Ann Higgins.

Aileen Rogers from Ready Girls

We discuss the business of puberty, breaking into the Middle East and marketing niche products with Aileen Rogers, founder of ‘Ready Girls’, makers of period packs for tweens and teens.