Network Events

Managing your Personal Branding in Zoom World - Talk by Máirín Ní Bheacháin, Mostyle - 28th October 2020

We all have our own personal brand but is yours saying what you would like it to say about you when it comes to your business, Zoom, your website and your social media touch points?

Hacks To Make Videos That Look The Business - Talk by Niamh Guckian - 21st October 2020 11.00-12.00

Video production expert Niamh Guckian of Go Motion Academy will share some practical tips about how you can bring your videos up a level.

Making Facebook and Instagram work for your Business with Felicity McCarthy, Spark Digital Wednesday 7th October 11.00-12.00

Felicity McCarthy of Spark Digital will share tips on how small businesses can use Facebook and Instagram effectively.

Meet the Entrepreneur with Aine Kerr, Kinzen - 30th September 11.00-12.00

Aine Kerr, co-founder of Kinzen and former journalist, co-founder of Storyful and head of Global journalism partnerships at Facebook will talk about her story and what she has learned.