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Senior Enterprise Development Officer

The Senior Enterprise Development Officer (SEDO) is a specialist role within the Local Enterprise Office in Fingal. The SEDO will facilitate the delivery of a high standard quality system of co-ordinated and cohesive State support to the micro and small business sector. The successful candidate ...

Local Enterprise Office Fingal to Host Free Digital Skills Webinar in Partnership with Google’s Digital Garage

Local Enterprise Office Fingal, in partnership with Google’s Digital Garage will host a series of five free digital skills training webinars for small local businesses in the Fingal Region.

First Virtual Local Enterprise Week a Success for Fingal

Over 2,000 budding entrepreneurs and business owners in Fingal have taken part in online events this week, marking Local Enterprise Week, which has been hailed as a success by LEO Fingal.

Fingal’s Businesses Encouraged to Go Green with Two New Programmes

Fingal’s small businesses are being encouraged to become more sustainable this year following the launch of two new programmes to green your business.

Countdown to the First Virtual Local Enterprise Week Continues

An Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Leo Varadkar T.D. has announced the full programme of events for Local Enterprise Week (LEW), which is taking place online from Monday, March 1st to Friday, March 5th