Press Releases

Opportunities to Tender

The Local Enterprise Offices in Kilkenny and Carlow are currently advertising on etenders for the delivery of soft supports in relation to Irelands Best Young Enterpreneur Programme and also a Female Enterpreneur Female Business Development Programme

The Social Enterprise Development Fund

€1.6 million fund which will be delivered over two years; 2018 – 2020, is now open for applications.

Brexit Advisory Clinic - 7th December

The Local Enterprise Office Kilkenny is hosting a Brexit Advisory Clinic on Friday 7th December. The Brexit advisor is Denis Casey, t/a Casey Business Consulting.

Enterprise Ireland opens first call of €1.25m fund for Irish retailers

New fund will accelerate retailers’ online offering and increase competitiveness

Tis the Season to #shopkilkenny

#shopkilkenny initiative is designed to raise awareness of the many businesses on our doorstep this Christmas and remind shoppers that where we direct our spending shapes the future of where we live.