Press Releases

Brexit Loan Scheme: Addressing Challenges posed by Brexit

Brexit Loan Scheme: Addressing the Challenges that are posed by Brexit

Craic’d Letting the Light In

Lifelinkk’s third annual Wellness in the Workplace seminar takes place on October 10th as part of Craic’d – Letting the Light In.

Minister Humphreys launches largest National Women’s Enterprise Day

Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation, Heather Humphreys, T.D., has launched the programme of events for National Women’s Enterprise Day (NWED) 2018 taking place on Thursday 18th October with 16 major female entrepreneurial events planned across the country.

Kilkenny Business Awards 2018

The Kilkenny Business Awards 2018 were successfully launched on 5th September in the Rivercourt Hotel, and nominations are now being sought.

New Frontiers Entrepreneur Development Programme Phase 1 commences September 2018

The New Frontiers Entrepreneur Development Programme, funded by Enterprise Ireland, will be delivered twice annually across the South East region by Waterford Institute of Technology and Institute of Technology Carlow.