Covid-19 - Update on Supports and Financial Planning Webinar

Business Training

Longford & Roscommon LEO's in association Longford and Roscommn Chambers of Commerce with Grant Thornton Webinar

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Covid-19 Update on Business Supports from Local Enterprise Office, Microfinance Ireland and Strategic Banking Corporation

Funding Supports - What's available from State Organisations and Banking Sector

Covid 19 Supports, including

  • Local Enterprise Office Supports: Business Continuity Voucher
  • Trading Online Voucher
  • Microfinance Ireland Covid 19 Business Loan (€20m available ) via LEO
  • Enterprise Ireland Business Financial Planning Grant
  • Enterprise Ireland Lean Business Continuity Voucher
  • Enterprise Ireland Online Retail Scheme
  • Enterprise Ireland Sustaining Enterprise Fund (€180m ) Rescue & Restructuring Scheme (€200m)
  • SBCI Working Capital Loan (€450m available)
  • SBCI Future Growth Finance Loan (€200m available
  • SBCI Credit Guarantee Scheme

Working Capital - Effective Cashflow Forecasting

  • Do we plan scenarios to cater for a range of risks?
  • Does liquidity at times constrain strategy execution
  • Do we have a cash flow or liquid reserves policy
  • How well does my organisation’s cash generation compare to others in the sector?
  • Does management have a clear understanding of the organisation’s working capital structure
  • Does the quantity of data from the ERP system overwhelm our ability to structure it in a way that could support a model?
  • What are the key drivers of cash flow in the business; where can we source the required data to support the forecast?
  • Do we have the expertise and capacity to create and maintain a cash flow model?

Wage Subsidy Supports

  • The Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme (TWSS) is a scheme introduced to assist employees, who are retained on their employers payroll to receive significant supports through the payroll system.
  • The subsidy is expected to be topped up unless an employer is not in a position to do so.
  • Initial scheme duration is 12 weeks from 26 March.
  • Employers make this special payment to their employees via their normal payroll process.
  • Employers are then reimbursed by Revenue, in general, within 2 days of receipt of the payroll submission.