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043 3344284

Social Media Marketing

Longford Enterprise Centre
4 days 28/1, 4/2, 11/2, 18/2
9.30am - 4.30pm
Business Training

Comprehensive 4 day course covering all aspects of Social Media Marketing

This event is no longer available

Taking place over four days, Thursday 28th January, 4th, 11th and 18th February, this Social Media Marketing Bootcamp is an intensive course on all aspects of Social Media Marketing including Website Marketing, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Marketing, LinkedIn Marketing, Pinterest/Instagram, Video Marketing and YouTube Marketing, Designing graphics for social media.

Workshop 1:  How to shoot/edit marketing videos and design social media graphics to promote your activities

Overview of how businesses are using video for marketing.  What equipment you need in order to shoot videos with a smartphone.  Tips on how to shoot videos.

How to design social media graphics - how to resize and edit images, how to add your logo to an image, how to add captions to an image, how to design a Facebook ad and a Facebook cover image.

Workshop 2:  How to use advanced Facebook marketing tactics to promote your products and services

How to brand your page, how to develop a posting plan, how to post - best practice, how to grow your followers for free, how to increase your organic reach

Workshop 3: How to use Twitter and YouTube to promote your products / services

Twitter Marketing - including, how Twitter works, how companies use Twitter for marketing, How to brand your account, How to tweet, how to retweet in a way that benefits your business, how to grow followers, how to use Twitter to promote your products and services.

YouTube Marketing - how to create and brand your channel, how to upload a video, how to edit the settings of a video, how to tag your video to help it get found, where to get embed code for your website.

Workshop 4:  How to use LinkedIn, Pinterest & Instagram for Marketing

LinkedIn - How LinkedIn works for marketing and pitfalls to avoid, How to setup your profile correctly, The benefits of a big network - how to find and grow connections, How to create a company page.

Pinterest - Setting up a new account, Understanding boards and pins, following other users, creating and editing boards, how to use Pinterest as a marketing tool, how to increase your followers

Instagram - What is Instagram, Signing up for an account, taking a photo, adding captions and locations, how to use Instagram as a marketing tool, how to increase your followers