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Press Releases

Local Enterprise Offices: Making a Nationwide Impact

The 2017 Local Enterprise Office Impact Report has just been published and highlights the breadth of job creation, enterprise support and training that is being delivered by Local Enterprise Offices (LEOs) across the country.

Retail Breakthrough for Start-Ups

Fourteen food and drink producers from around the country have made a retail breakthrough this month by securing a space on SuperValu shelves through the Food Academy programme.

Small businesses get ‘ploughing-ready’ as Minister Breen announces Local Enterprise Village plans

In thirteen weeks’ time, the National Ploughing Championships (September 18th – 20th), Europe’s largest outdoor event, returns to Offaly and small businesses from all over the country are getting ‘ploughing-ready’ thanks to the Local Enterprise Offices.

€300 million Brexit Loan Scheme: open for applications

Eligible businesses can now apply for the €300 million Brexit Loan Scheme – click here to download a copy of the Information Pack.