Bank of Ireland Startup Awards 2015

Bank of Ireland are calling on Wicklow entrepreneurs to enter the Startup Awards 2015

Bank of Ireland Startup Awards 2015 -5

Pictured at the launch of the Bank of Ireland Start-up Awards 2015 are Stephen Dillion, Founder of Start-ups Ireland, Minister of State at the Departments of Education and Skills and Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation with Special Responsibility for Skills, Research and Innovation Damien English, TD, Gerry Prizeman, Head of Enterprise Development at Bank of Ireland and Gavin Duffy, Start-up Awards Judge and successful entrepreneur 

The awards are now in their fourth year and are a firm fixture on the business calendar. Getting the seal of approval from the judging panel, headed by Entrepreneur Gavin Duffy could be a great boost for your business. In addition to media coverage, category winners will receive a range of business consultations and credits for business building your technological business infrastructure.

The categories included in this year’s competition are:

  1. Digital/Online Startup of the Year
  2.  Tech Startup of the Year
  3.  Innovative Startup of the Year
  4. Product Startup of the Year
  5. Service Startup of the Year
  6. Retail/Franchise Startup of the Year
  7. Home or Craft-based Startup of the Year
  8. Food & Drink Entrepreneurial Startup of the Year
  9. The Startup Hero Award
  10. Overseas Startup Setting Up in Ireland - NEW
  11. Grand Prix – Startup Business of the Year

Speaking at awards launch Gerry Prizeman, Head of Enterprise Development at Bank of Ireland said “We are delighted to sponsor the Startup Awards again this year. The awards highlight the hard work, achievements and contributions that Ireland’s innovators and entrepreneurs make to the economy as well as offering them the opportunity to promote their company on a national and international stage.

To enter or nominate someone for a Startup Award visit . Entry into the awards is free and is open to sole traders, partnerships and companies that have been set up in Ireland that are in business for three years or less with up to 30 employees.  The awards judging committee will comprise of representatives from Bank of Ireland, Startups Ireland and leading Irish entrepreneurs.

The closing date for entries into the awards is Thursday, 3 September 2015, the regional finals will take place during October with the national gala final taking place in Dublin on Thursday, 12 November 2015.