Overview Of Supports Available

Business Support

Local Enterprise Office Wicklow’s Mission is to promote entrepreneurship, foster business start-ups and develop existing micro and small businesses to drive job creation and to provide accessible high quality supports for your business ideas

LEO Wicklow promotes the development of enterprise in County Wicklow by encouraging awareness of enterprise, providing business skills and management training, information and advisory services and a range of financial incentives for small businesses located in County Wicklow.

Available to small and medium sized businesses in Co. Wicklow

  • One to One Meetings
  • Business Skills & Business IT Training, Business Seminars
  • Management Development Programme
  • Business Networks

Financial Support

Available to Eligible businesses only (see criteria) for Grants          

Eligibility Criteria - LEO Wicklow can consider applications for financial aid, from the following types of businesses:

  •  Manufacturing businesses
  •  Internationally traded services (export oriented service businesses)
  •  Local service businesses provided they are unique/innovative and/or have strong export potential. Must be based in County Wicklow and employing 10 or less

To check if your business is eligible, please contact us.

Please note that the grant aid will not be provided in respect of any expenditure incurred prior to date of application.

The LEO Wicklow reserves the right to discuss the proposal with other relevant agencies or bodies to ensure effective and efficient use of agency services and public funds.  Confidentiality will be respected at all times. 

Projects approved by the LEO Wicklow will be subject to conditions, which must be fully complied with before payment can be made.

The Staff, Mentors, Advisors, Trainers, and Evaluation Committee Members of Local Enterprise Office  Wicklow and/or any other client facing consultants or contractors acting on behalf of Local Enterprise Office Wicklow have an absolute duty of confidentiality, and except as required by law, must not disclose any confidential information to third parties. 

Confidential information includes commercially sensitive information, information received in confidence and personal information.  This practice applies both during and after employment (as a Staff member) or during and after term of office (as an Evaluation Committee member) at the Local Enterprise Office Wicklow.

Related Links:

  • Training & Events

    Training and events being run by LEO Wicklow eg. Start Your Own Business training, Management Development Training.

  • Financial Supports

    Financial Supports available from Wicklow LEO including Feasibility Study Grants, Priming & Business Expansion Grants