National Women's Enterprise Day 2022

Keadeen Hotel, Newbridge, Co. Kildare
Thursday, 13th October 2022
12pm - 4pm

National Women’s Enterprise Day, Ireland’s largest female enterprise event is a full day programme to promote, encourage and stimulate female entrepreneurship across Ireland.

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Celebrating National Women’s Enterprise Day 2022 

National Women’s Enterprise Day, Ireland’s largest female enterprise event is a full day programme to promote, encourage and stimulate female entrepreneurship across Ireland. It is designed and led by women and is an annual high point in promoting entrepreneurship to women in Ireland. The Local Enterprise Office along with Enterprise Ireland provide a wide range of help, incentives, training, and development programmes to female entrepreneurs.

Kildare and Wicklow LEO's partner to welcome female entrepreneurs to The Keadeen Hotel, Newbridge, Co. Kildare.

From 12 - 4pm on Thursday 13th October for a celebratory business lunch.


This half-day event boasts an exciting line up of speakers and an ideal opportunity for cross-county business networking.

Our panel discussion will be hosted by MC Susan Keogh and with Leading Lights from Kildare and Wicklow, Tara Lane (Centrepiece Rosettes) and Kate Dempsey (Aqualicense Ltd. - recent overall winner of the LEO National Enterprise Awards 2022).

We also welcome Guest Speaker Nina Carberry, Entrepreneur, retired Irish female National Hunt jockey and TV personality.

A number of LEO clients will also join the panel to discuss their business journey followed by an exhibition area showcasing a number of female-led local businesses, music and networking.

Tickets are priced at €25.

Keynote Speaker: Nina Carberry 

Nina Carberry

Nina Carberry

Since retiring from her career as a National Hunt jockey, Nina has won Dancing With the Stars, is a VHI Parkrun ambassador and is also a coach on the next season of Ireland’s Fittest Family. Nina’s daily business is the training and breeding of horses.

Leading Lights:

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Wicklow: Kate Dempsey, Aqualicense Ltd.


Kildare: Tara Lane, Centrepiece Rosettes

MC for the Event:

Kildare based Susan Keogh, Senior Communications Consultant with Cicero and former journalist, has 16 years’ experience working in national media
in Ireland.