
Trading Online Voucher Webinar - 5th May 2022

An initiative under the Government’s National Digital Strategy, the Trading Online Voucher Scheme helps small businesses trade online to boost their sales and reach new markets. This scheme is a matched-funding opportunity with up to €2,500 available.

Age Friendly Business Recognition Training

Age Friendly Business Recognition Training happening on Monday 4th April 2022.

Setting Annual Goals & Making Them Happen (Networking Event)

A future-back approach to establishing annual goals and how to adopt simple yet powerful steps to achieve them.

Top Ten Legal Documents for Startups

A brief run through the top ten legal documents businesses should be familiar with, what small business owners should look out for & where the pitfalls may be.

How Being Green Can Help Your Business

A focused panel discussion on aspects of what suppliers (small businesses) need to know & need to be doing with regards to green credentials.