
How to Maximise Your Website - Wednesday 28th July 2021

Don’t let your newly created website just sit there idle, let it help you bring new business direct to your door.

Cyber Security for The Small Business Owner - Monday 28th June 2021

This session will be ideal for small business owners and managers who are concerned about cyber risk and want to be empowered to manage it as a business risk.

Customs: Import & Export Procedures Workshop - Thursday 20th May 2021

This workshop provides the opportunity to understand the requirements for your business as to how to meet and comply with the current customs requirements.

Trading Online Voucher Webinar – 12th July 2021

An initiative under the Government’s National Digital Strategy, the Trading Online Voucher Scheme helps small businesses trade online to boost their sales and reach new markets. This scheme is a matched-funding opportunity with up to €2,500 available.

Visual Merchandising Workshop - 26th April

Reawaken your offer, breathe life back into retail spaces, and metaphorically “dust away all the winter cobwebs” so you are ready for a new season, with new energy.