
8 Week Start Your Own Business Course 28th Feb 2024

Looking to Start Your Own Business but unsure of where to begin? Book a place on our 8 week course. Starts Wednesday 28th February 2024.

8 Week Start Your Own Business Course 9th Jan 2024

Looking to Start Your Own Business but unsure of where to begin? Book a place on our 8 week course. Starts Tuesday 9th January 2024.

Export Development Programme - Beginning 11th April 2024

Get your business 'export ready' through a series of workshops and expert 1 to 1 consultancy sessions!

Trading Online Voucher Webinar 24th Jan 2024

An initiative under the Government’s National Digital Strategy, the Trading Online Voucher Scheme helps small businesses trade online to boost their sales and reach new markets. This scheme is a matched-funding opportunity with up to €2,500 available.

Grant Aid and Funding 101 - 22nd Feb 2024

Learn about the range of grants and supports available to SMEs. This workshop will cover the various grants, supports and the process to apply for them.