
Smartphone Video Skills - Workshop

The purpose of this workshop is to give the participants the ability to learn how to use their smartphone to tell their story – be that about their ‘Why,’ their product, their service or themselves.

Trading Online Voucher Webinar - 7th Dec 2021

An initiative under the Government’s National Digital Strategy, the Trading Online Voucher Scheme helps small businesses trade online to boost their sales and reach new markets. This scheme is a matched-funding opportunity with up to €2,500 available.

Food Starter Programme - Begins 11th Jan 2022

'Food Starter' is a programme designed to help those with a food idea, or those at a very early stage of starting up a food business (typically the first 24 months).

TikTok for Small Business - 12th Nov 2021

This workshop is an introduction on how to use TikTok for business. You will learn what is unique to the TikTok platform and how to engage audiences there.

8 Week Start Your Own Business Course: Starts Tues 26th Oct 2021

Looking to Start Your Own Business but unsure of where to begin? Book a place on our 8 week course. Starts Tuesday, 26th October 2021.