
Networking Walk - Killiney Hill - 6th March

To close out Local Enterprise Week 2020 and following on from the success of our Peer to Pier Networking walks in previous years, Local Enterprise Office Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown have organised a Networking Walk on Killiney Hill on Friday 6th March.

Facebook Advertising - Tuesday 1st December 2020

It is easy to spend money on Facebook ads, but more difficult to ensure you are getting the best Return on Investment.

Facebook (Intermediate) - Wednesday 1st July 2020

Facebook is still the most popular social media network in Ireland and the world, and continues to dominate. Businesses need to be aware of the best way to take advantage of this free space they have on the internet.

Plan and Brief a New Website - Thursday 9th April 2020

Even if you are paying an excellent website maker to create a new website for you, there is a huge amount of work and planning involved. There are a lot of things you need to consider, and know about, before you sit down with your website developer.

LIFT Ireland - Leadership & Facilitator Training - 6th March

LIFT Ireland are hosting this half day Leadership & Facilitator Training workshop where they will be adding to their network of over 800 facilitators.