
Streetscape Enhancement Measure 2021

Owners of commercial, residential or unoccupied buildings in Longford, Granard, Drumlish and Lanesborough are urged to apply for funding under the Streetscape Enhancement Measure 2021 of the Town and Village Renewal Scheme.

Google Digital Garage - Free Weekly Webinars

Google Digital Garage Free workshops open to Longford businesses

Food Academy

“As the new research shows, Food Academy producers are optimistic about the industry’s future with the majority forecasting sales growth and new jobs this year, which is an encouraging sign,”

New €1m Competitive Start Fund Open

€1m Competitive Start Fund open for Manufacturing and Internationally Traded Services sector entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial teams and early stage start-ups

Just Announced: Small Business Assistance Scheme for COVID (SBASC)

The Small Business Assistance Scheme for COVID (SBASC) is now open for applications through Longford County Council.