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Checklist of preparatory actions in responding to COVID-19

Business Continuity Planning – Checklist of preparatory actions in responding to COVID-19

“Making it Happen” Local Enterprise Week 2020 is Launched

Fingal Local Enterprise Office (LEO) has launched a series of exciting business events and initiatives to take place across the County during Local Enterprise Week (LEW), which is happening between the 2nd and 6th of March 2020.

130 Small Fingal Businesses Approved by Local Enterprise Office

Fingal Local Enterprise Office (LEO) hosted a networking event last Friday celebrating local businesses approved for funding in the second half of 2019.

Fingal Businesses Get International Shot at Local Enterprise Showcase

Businesses from Fingal had the opportunity to meet buyers from all over the world as part of the Local Enterprise Showcase at Showcase 2020 in the RDS in Dublin.