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Opportunity for Fingal-based Knowledge and Technology sectors in China, May 2018

LEO Fingal is taking expressions of interest from businesses based in Fingal that are operating in knowledge and technology sectors and who wish to build contacts in Asia.

46 Fingal Businesses to benefit from over half a million cash injection

€545,328 cash injection has been awarded by the Fingal Local Enterprise Office through grant schemes aimed at supporting small and start-up businesses.


Fingal’s best young entrepreneurs have been announced this week at the County Final of Ireland’s Best Young Entrepreneur (IBYE) competition, run by the Fingal Local Enterprise Office.

Fingal’s best young entrepreneurs make it to County Final

€50,000 investment fund to be won by six young entrepreneurs in the county, aged between 18 and 35

Taking Care of Business Wednesday, 8 November in the Printworks Conference Centre in Dublin Castle.

Tánaiste and Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation, Frances Fitzgerald TD, together with Minister of State for Trade, Employment, Business, EU Digital Single Market and Data Protection Pat Breen TD, have launched an important event for existing and potential entrepreneurs called ‘Taking C...