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New Fingal School scoops Top Prize at National Student Enterprise Awards

Ava Gilmartin from Malahide-Portmarnock Educate Together took the first prize in the Junior category at the National Student Enterprise Programme (SEP) finals in Croke Park. The new school opened its doors just last September in the Riasc Centre and is already a national award-winner!

New Buyer Event Showcases Best Emerging Food Producers from Fingal

Exciting new food products from Fingal producers such as Everest Snacks, My Apricot Kitchen and Hope Beer will be representing Fingal at a new ‘Meet the Buyer’ Local Enterprise Office (LEO) event which will take place on ‘The Street’ at the Limerick Institute of Technology (LIT) on Thursday 23 May 2...

Local Student Wins Enterprise Award at National Final

A student entrepreneur from Fingal has won an award at the national Student Enterprise Programme (SEP) finals in Croke Park today, organised by the Local Enterprise Offices (LEOs) for secondary schools.

Local Enterprise Office (LEO) announces Fingal’s Best Young Entrepreneurs and €50,000 investment fund winners

Fingal’s “Best Young Entrepreneurs” for 2019 and €50,000 investment fund winners were announced at an awards ceremony hosted by LEO Fingal this evening.

“Making it Happen” 5 years of the Local Enterprise Office Network

Minister Humphreys & Minister Breen announce Local Enterprise Office figures from first 5 years. Local Enterprise Office Fingal Contributes to Significant National Figures.