For the period: August 2014 – May 2015
Project Name: LEO South Cork Schools Enterprise Co-ordinator
Contact Person: Ciara McGee, Local Enterprise Office South Cork, Unit 6a, South Ring Business Park, Kinsale Rd, Cork.
Contact: 021-4975281
About Us
Local Enterprise Offices provide advice, information and support in starting up or growing a business. With 31 dedicated teams across the Local Authority network in Ireland, LEO offers a wide range of experience, skills and services. LEO also promotes enterprise and entrepreneurship and fosters a culture of enterprise throughout secondary schools. We have devised an enterprise programme where students set-up and run their own mini enterprises over the course of the academic year. The programme has a junior, intermediate and senior cycle and students in all categories are encouraged to take a business from the idea stage, through market research to production, selling, record keeping, management and finally to writing a comprehensive report.
Invitation to Tender
This is an invitation to tender for the role of Schools Enterprise Co-ordinator on behalf of the LEO South Cork.
The objectives of the Cork Schools Enterprise Programme
- To raise the profile and increase the level of participation by secondary school students in the South Cork Region.
- To promote entrepreneurship as a career option to students
- Stimulate Innovative ideas and enhance business skills
- Expose students to the realities and challenges of entrepreneurship
- Imbed an enterprise culture into secondary level schools
The key learning outcomes
- To support teachers in the delivery of enterprise activities designed to give students practical experience of setting up and running their own business
- To maximise entrepreneurial activity which in turn will assist the country’s economic recovery
- Students will learn valuable business skills and gain real-life experience
- Implement creative ideas/activities around enterprise and empower our youth to become tomorrow’s entrepreneurs
- Get students involved!
Scope of the Tender
The successful service provider is required to act as Co-ordinator of the Schools Enterprise Programme on behalf of the LEO South Cork to deliver an enterprise education programme. The LEO South Cork welcomes suggestions on how best to achieve its objectives, but would expect the following activities to form the basics of the programme;
- Recruitment – secondary schools in the region should be approached from August/Sept. Early engagement is essential to encourage registration to the Student Enterprise Programme.
- Visit schools – visit schools regularly to ensure teachers and students are fully aware of programme schedule, opportunities, resources available and deadlines.
- Plan and implement activities/events to facilitate ideas generation and get students and teachers involved from an early stage.
- Enhance and support the ideas process with innovative workshops/in-school talks.
- Support students with running mini enterprise with access to advice and business mentors.
- Facilitate selling with Trade Fair opportunity – event management associated with this.
- Business plan development for regional final
- Event management associated with organisation of Regional Final Competition
- Representation at National Final Competition– more info via
- Book and schedule suitable venues during the programme for all activities e.g Innovation Day, Trade Fair, Regional Finals.
- PR – liaise with LEO South Cork to appoint suitable PR agent for coverage of all enterprise activities.
- Identify and implement new opportunities to bring enterprise and innovative thinking to the classroom.
Key Guidelines:
- Submission Date for proposals is 5pm on Wednesday 16th July 2014
- Please submit a detailed proposal including the following:
- Relevant experience of project management
- Profile of individual/s within the company who may be assisting with the service
- Approach to achieving the objectives outlined
- Details of proposed activities including timelines
- Total Fee including VAT.
- Essential Requirements (eligibility to tender):
- Current Tax Clearance Certificate
Award Criteria
The contract will be awarded on the basis of the most economically advantageous tender in accordance with the award criteria and associated weights set out below:
- Approach and proposed methodology (30%)
- Experience / qualifications of key personnel (15%)
- Experience of similar Co-ordinator roles (25%)
- Range of services and resources (15%)
- Price (15%)
The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted and the successful tenderer will be required to produce a current Tax Clearance Certificate before the contract is awarded.
Contract Period
LEO South Cork Schools Enterprise Co-ordinator Contract will be valid for an initial period of 12 months with an option for the funders to renew the contract for a further 12 month period.
The contract will commence immediately on award of contract.
Response Instructions
Quotations must be submitted, in hard copy only, on or before 5pm on Wednesday 16th July 2014 addressed to Ciara McGee, LEO South Cork, Unit 6a, South Ring Business Park, Kinsale Rd, Cork.
Please direct any questions about this tender in the first instance to:
Ciara McGee
Business Advisor
Local Enterprise Office South Cork
Unit 6a, South Ring Business Park
Kinsale Rd
Phone 021-4975281 Email: