11/2024 Easier, Better, Faster, and Together - LEAN Workshop

Online using Zoom Video Conferencing
Wednesday 13th November 2024
9.30am - 11.30am
Management Development

Unlock the Potential of Your Business and join us for Phase 1 of the Easier, Better, Faster, and Together - Workshop and transform your small business into a more efficient, profitable, and competitive enterprise. This intensive 2-hour LEAN workshop is designed to deliver impactful insights and actionable strategies to elevate your business operations, focusing on value and waste.


Open to all sectors

Unlock the Potential of Your Business


What you will gain?


  • Enhanced Efficiency: Streamline your operations and eliminate waste, leading to faster processes and reduced delays.
  • Cost Savings: Discover practical strategies to cut costs and increase profits, with our past participants saving an average of €49,727 per company.
  • Increased Capacity: Boost your business’ capacity by 26% and manage your resources more effectively.
  • Improved Quality: Deliver higher quality products or services by building quality into your processes from the start.
  • Employee Engagement: Foster a culture of continuous improvement and teamwork, leading to higher employee satisfaction and productivity.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Consistently meet and exceed customer expectations, enhancing loyalty and satisfaction.

Why Choose This Programme?

  • Proven Success: In the last 3 years 129 Cork & Kerry Businesses saved € 4,359,330 and reported average capacity increases of 25.1%
  • Hands-On Learning: This isn’t just a passive workshop. Engage in breakout sessions, lively discussions, and group activities with cameras on and full participation.
  • Expert Guidance: Led by Stuart Nelson & Eamon McKenna of Jigsaw Better Business, you’ll receive expert insights and personalized advice.
  • Tailored for Small Businesses: Specifically designed for businesses trading for at least 6 months with a turnover of over €30,000.


Is this programme for you?


If you’re looking to:

  • Increase competitiveness
  • Improve delivery times and productivity
  • Understand and reduce waste
  • Enhance data and administrative processes
  • Streamline your workflow
  • Improve layout and reduce congestion

Then this programme is a perfect fit for you.


Workshop Agenda 


  • Welcome and Introduction
  • Understanding Lean Principles: Value and Waste
  • Practical Strategies for Cost Savings through Waste Elimination
  • Breakout Session 1: Identifying Value-Added and Non-Value-Added Activities
  • Increasing Capacity by Focusing on Value Creation
  • Breakout Session 2: Mapping the Process
  • Q&A and Next Steps


What happens after the Workshop?


The hands-on, facilitated workshop will be led by Stuart Nelson and Eamon McKenna of Jigsaw Better Business, introducing a new way of thinking through discussions, breakouts, and group activities. Discover how the one-to-one guidance in Phase 2 can transform your business for the better!

Qualified companies from the workshop can apply for a place on the Lean for Business programme where a dedicated coach will work with you one-on-one for 5 x ½ days to apply your learnings and implement Lean tools and cost-saving projects directly in your business.


Feedback from Past Participants

  • “We are being challenged in every visit and growing each time.”
  • “Our coach is excellent at drawing out how I need to look at my work, and I’ve already started seeing progress.”
  • “The changes are being realized immediately.”
  • “We have worked on a process flow map that will benefit us for years to come.”
  • “By implementing the new system, we completely changed our way of working.”
  • “There is a greater sense of calm and control in running the business!”
  • “I am impressed by the collaborative way the trainers and coaches promote the process to a small business.”

Watch Video Testimonials


Limited Places Available

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your business. Sign up now and unlock your business’s full potential for sustainable growth in today’s competitive landscape